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Conditions of Letting and Regulations for using West End Village Hall

Please note that smoking is not allowed anywhere within the hall and no lighted candles may be used.

(A) The hirer shall:

  1. Ensure that there is no nuisance through amplified music or from people attending likely to infringe the Environmental Protection Act 1990.

  2. Defray the cost of making good any damage to the building, furniture, crockery or other property.

  3. Leave the premises in a clean and orderly state with crockery and cutlery washed up and replaced in the cupboards (tea towels and detergent must be provided by the hirer).

  4. Make no alterations to the existing light fittings or other electrical circuits without permission and shall not permit any nail, screw, hook, drawing pin or other fastening to be driven into the structure, furniture or fittings of the hall.

  5. The hall is not licensed for the sale of alcohol or for Public Entertainment. For either to take place, users must obtain the previous consent of the Trustees in writing and obtain the necessary licence (Temporary Event Notice) from Elmbridge Borough Council

  6. Ensure that, where any charge is made for admission to functions, this shall be by ticket purchased before the doors are opened and not by paying on entrance.

  7. Ensure that no dogs are allowed inside the hall.

  8. Be responsible for returning all furniture to its prescribed position in the store, turn out all lights and ensure that the heating control is set to timed.

  9. Must ensure that any activities for children, young people and adults at risk are only provided by fit and proper persons in accordance with the Children Act 1989 and 2004, the Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006 and any subsequent legislation. When requested, you must provide us with a copy of your Safeguarding Policy and evidence that you have carried out relevant checks through the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS). All reasonable steps must be taken to prevent harm, and to respond appropriately when harm does occur. Relevant concerns must be reported.


(B) The Trustees:

  1. Reserve to themselves and their accredited representative the right to entry at all times to all parts of the premises.

  2. Reserve the right to cancel any booking, in which event the total charges paid by the hirer will be refunded and the Village Hall shall not be liable to pay any compensation.

  3. Will not be responsible for any loss or damage to any property brought into the premises by the hirer, his employees or any other person whatsoever or for any loss, damage or injury which may be incurred or be done or happen to any persons using the premises.


(C) Session Times, Parties and Related Functions

  1. The session times, which must be adhered to unless previous permission has been obtained, are: Morning 9.00 am to 1.00 pm; Afternoon 1.30 pm to 5.30 pm; Evening 6.00 pm to 10pm.

  2. Young children's parties and discos are allowed in the afternoon or early evening provided that a minimum of one adult per 10 children is in attendance. Evening children's parties must finish by 10 pm.

  3. Parties for 14 to 21 year olds are not permitted.

  4. Music should be turned down at 9:30pm and turned off by 10:00 pm.

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